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How to Customize Your Suit for Maximum Impact
When you buy clothes, you don’t typically change them after the fact. However, suits are built to be customized! You can make a store-bought suit your own in many ways. With the help of an experienced tailor (and in some cases, without one), you can elevate an existing suit and use it to showcase your personal style. Here are a few customization options we recommend. Get it Fitted The first and most obvious step for making a store-bought suit your own is taking a trip to the tailor. Get your suit and yourself measured, and the tailor will make the...
Getting Creative with Black Tie Alternatives
So, you’ve been invited to a creative black tie event, and you’re not sure what to wear. While the name may make it seem like you need to design a masterpiece, “creative black tie” isn’t all that different from traditional black tie. The main difference is that you’ll be able to play around with colors and textures. Creative black tie events allow you to be as creative as possible while still encompassing a tuxedo look using accessories like custom lapels, bow ties and vests. Here are a few areas where you can get creative for one of these events: The...